Enhance Your SharePoint Intranet with a SharePoint Coach: Unleash the Full Potential


Implementing and optimizing SharePoint as your company's intranet is a significant step toward improving collaboration and productivity. However, navigating SharePoint's vast array of features and capabilities can be daunting, especially if you've already started but need guidance to take it to the next level. This is where a SharePoint coach can be your invaluable partner. In this article, we'll explore what to look for in a SharePoint coach, the benefits of SharePoint coaching, and key considerations when structuring coaching sessions.

What to Look for in a SharePoint Coach

a. Expertise: Seek a coach with extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of SharePoint. They should be well-versed in the platform's features, best practices, and customization options.

b. Communication Skills: A coach should have excellent communication skills to convey complex SharePoint concepts and instructions clearly and understandably effectively.

c. Adaptability: Look for a coach who can tailor their approach to your specific needs and goals, providing customized guidance based on your organization's unique requirements.

d. Patience and Support: SharePoint can be overwhelming, so a coach should be patient, supportive, and willing to address your questions and concerns throughout the coaching process.

Benefits of SharePoint Coaching

a. Accelerated Learning Curve: A SharePoint coach can significantly reduce the time it takes to learn and implement SharePoint effectively. They provide targeted guidance, helping you avoid common pitfalls and make informed decisions.

b. Tailored Solutions: A coach can understand your organization's specific challenges and design SharePoint solutions tailored to address them, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

c. Improved User Adoption: SharePoint coaching fosters user confidence and familiarity with the platform, leading to higher user adoption rates. Employees will be more inclined to embrace SharePoint as their go-to collaboration and information-sharing tool.

d. Enhanced Productivity: With expert guidance, you'll learn how to leverage SharePoint's powerful features and integrations to streamline workflows, automate tasks, and boost productivity across your organization.

Structuring SharePoint Coaching Sessions

a. Assess Current State: The coaching sessions should start with an evaluation of your existing SharePoint implementation, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

b. Goal Setting: Clearly define your objectives and desired outcomes for the coaching sessions. This will guide the coach in tailoring their guidance and prioritizing focus areas.

c. Hands-On Practice: Interactive sessions that provide practical examples and exercises allow you to apply the concepts learned and gain confidence in utilizing SharePoint's features.

d. Regular Check-Ins: Plan regular progress check-ins with your coach to address any challenges or questions during implementation. This ensures continuous support and guidance throughout the coaching process.

e. Documentation and Resources: The coach should provide comprehensive documentation and resources that serve as references for future use, allowing you to revisit and reinforce the concepts covered in the coaching sessions.


Partnering with a SharePoint coach can be a game-changer in optimizing your company's SharePoint intranet. Look for a coach with expertise, effective communication skills, and adaptability. SharePoint coaching offers accelerated learning, tailored solutions, improved user adoption, and enhanced productivity. When structuring coaching sessions, assess your current state, set clear goals, emphasize hands-on practice, schedule regular check-ins, and ensure access to comprehensive documentation and resources. With the guidance of a SharePoint coach, you can unlock the full potential of SharePoint and transform your intranet into a powerful tool that drives collaboration, efficiency, and success within your organisation.


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